Jemaa El Fna Marrakech

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Welcome To Jemaa El-Fnaa Big Square.

The famous square in Marrakech

Jemaa El fnaa Square Marrakech

Jemaa El Fnaa Marrakech’s main square, and it’s a sight like no other. Located in the bustling heart of the city, it’s a cultural and historical center that’s been popular for centuries. With its snake charmers, traditional musicians, street performers, and exotic food stalls, it’s an experience that everyone should have.

History of Jemaa el fnaa

The Jamea El Fnaa Square is the vibrant heart of the city of Marrakech, and it has always been the meeting point between the Medina and people coming from the surrounding areas. This square occupies a strategic position in relation to all the neighborhoods of the city. The history of the square is linked to the history of Marrakech, and it has had several names over the centuries. It has shrunk but not disappeared due to urban evolution between the 11th and 16th centuries.

The name of Jamea El Fnaa only appears in historical texts from the 16th century when they spoke of a mosque that was supposed to be called Jemaa El Hna (mosque of serenity) that fell into ruin while a plague was raging in the country. Popular humor transformed the name of the Mosque of Serenity into the Mosque of Annihilation.

In the 16th century, Jemaa El Fnaa Square housed the customs service for European Christian merchants, so it played the role of a commercial and exchange center between Europe and Africa. It was only in the 17th century that the animation on the square began.

During the 19th century, the square was reserved for animal parks and horse races on festive occasions. It was also a gathering place for the army and a space where rebels were executed.

The current aspect of the square dates back to the beginning of the 20th century with the construction of the post office buildings, the Bank of Morocco, and administrative establishments.

Jamea El Fnaa Square is the product of an ancestral cultural tradition of the Moroccan people, a unique testimony of a living cultural tradition. It represents a diverse repertoire of oral and intangible heritage that appeals to everyone’s taste and is also a collective memory of the Marrakechis, still retaining memories of popular artists who animated the square for many years.


Jamea El Fnaa Square is part of the 18 cultural spaces and forms of expression proclaimed by UNESCO as Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity since May 18, 2001.

Jemaa Elfnaa is a large public square and market located in the heart of Marrakesh, Morocco. It has been a meeting place for generations, with locals gathering to shop and socialize. In 2001, Jemaa Elfna was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List for its cultural and historical importance. It is traditionally a place for storytelling and music, and has been a source of inspiration for many artists. The square is also a great representation of Moroccan culture, with its traditional Islamic architecture and vibrant atmosphere. Today, Jemaa Elfnaa is a popular gathering place for Moroccans and tourists alike, who come to experience the traditional culture and atmosphere that make this square so special.

Throughout the day

Throughout the day, Jemaa El Fnaa is filled with locals and tourists alike, who come to experience the atmosphere and take in the sights and sounds of traditional Moroccan culture. At night, the square truly comes alive as the performers take center stage. Snake charmers, traditional musicians, street performers, and food stalls brighten up the square, as the scents of local delicacies waft through the air.

Jemaa El Fna at Night

The square is also known for its night market, where vendors sell everything from clothes and jewelry to traditional Moroccan dishes. Here, you can find souvenirs to take home or sample some of the most delicious Moroccan food around.


Jemaa El Fnaa is a great place to visit for those looking to experience the culture and sights of Marrakech. Whether you’re looking for a unique shopping experience, to try some of the city’s best food, or just to take in the atmosphere, Jemaa El Fnaa is a must-see destination. There’s really nothing like it anywhere else in the world.

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